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National Geography Awareness Week
November 11-17, 2001

Theme: Geography Action! Rivers 2001

2002 Theme TBA

The National Air and Space Museum celebrates National Geography Awareness Week with a variety of activities in the Museum and online.

National Geography Awareness Week, initiated in 1987 by the National Geographic Society's Geography Education Program, is an annual celebration to promote geographic literacy. Geography Awareness Week occurs in November. Each year, there is a new theme.


In celebration of National Geography Awareness Week, the National Air and Space Museum holds public programs and demonstrations designed to promote interest in geography. The "Geography From Space" quiz is held annually along with other activities and demonstrations that vary from year to year. All activities are free and open to the public. Here are some of the activities from 2001:


Geography Quiz (GEOGAMES)

Can you locate Earth's major cities, rivers, lakes and seas on a globe? The geography quiz will test your geography knowledge by asking you to identify features on the Earth. One prize is awarded each game. Contest is free.


Geography From Space Contest

Using satellite and space shuttle imagery, Geography from Space challenges visitors to identify geographic features from space. One prize is awarded every day and the winner is randomly picked from entries with all answers correct. Prizes are mailed to contestants. Contest is free. An online version of the contest is also held, with one prize awarded.


The Satellite Perspective

Learn how geographers study the Earth using images collected by orbiting satellites in a short presentation, The Satellite Perspective, by NASM Geographer Andy Johnston. View new digital satellite images and discover how they are used to make maps and explore the changes taking place on our planet.


Geography From Space Online

"Geography From Space Online" is an web-based version of the "Geography From Space" quiz held in the Museum each year.  Each year, a new online quiz premieres with a chance to win a prize during National Geography Awareness Week. After the week-long contest, the quiz answers are provided along with descriptions highlighting major geographic features, environmental changes and points of interest visible in the satellite, shuttle or aerial images.  Quizzes and answers remain online year-round.

The National Air and Space Museum's Geography Awareness Week activities are sponsored in part by "Reflections On Earth", a program made possible by generous support from the American Honda Motor Company.

If you'd like more information by mail about the National Geography Awareness Week schedule of events and other activities held at the National Air and Space Museum, you can be placed on a mailing list to receive the monthly Family and Public Programs flyer.  Mail your request to

Educational Service Center
National Air and Space Museum
MRC 305, code 29
Washington, DC 20560.

Upcoming events are also posted online on the NASM Calendar of Events page.

For more online sources of geographic information see:
"Geography From Space" References and Geography Links

More Geography and Education Related Resources from
the National Air and Space Museum:

The National Air and Space Museum's Geography Awareness Week activities are sponsored in part by "Reflections On Earth", a program made possible by generous support from Honda.

Center for Earth and Planetary Studies Home Page | National Air and Space Museum Home Page

Updated: 11/18/01

©1996-2001 National Air and Space Museum

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