Country Comparison :: Life expectancy at birth |
Life expectancy at birth compares the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year, if mortality at each age remains constant in the future. Life expectancy at birth is also a measure of overall quality of life in a country and summarizes the mortality at all ages. |
Rank |
country |
Date of Information |
100 |
China |
75.15 |
2014 est.
122 |
Egypt |
73.45 |
2014 est.
128 |
Samoa |
73.21 |
2014 est.
132 |
Palau |
72.60 |
2014 est.
161 |
Syria |
68.41 |
2014 est.
163 |
India |
67.80 |
2014 est.
165 |
Nepal |
67.19 |
2014 est.
169 |
Nauru |
66.40 |
2014 est.
170 |
Burma |
65.94 |
2014 est.
172 |
Ghana |
65.75 |
2014 est.
175 |
Yemen |
64.83 |
2014 est.
180 |
Kenya |
63.52 |
2014 est.
185 |
Sudan |
63.32 |
2014 est.
186 |
Haiti |
63.18 |
2014 est.
191 |
Benin |
61.07 |
2014 est.
208 |
Niger |
54.74 |
2014 est.
214 |
Gabon |
52.06 |
2014 est.