Bibliography -- South Korea

Chapter 1

Amsden, Alice H. Asia's Next Giant: South Korea and Late
     Industrialization. New York: Oxford University Press,

Appleman, Roy E. South to the Naktong, North to the
     Yalu. Washington: Office of the Chief of Military
     History, Department of the Army, 1961.

Bibliography of Asian Studies, 1985. (Ed., Wayne
     Surdam.) Ann Arbor, Michigan: Association for Asian Studies,

Blair, Clay. The Forgotten War: America in Korea,
     1950-1953. New York: Times Books, 1988.

Buss, Claude A. The United States and the Republic of Korea:
     Background for Policy. Stanford: Hoover Institution
     Press, 1982.

Chandra, Vipan. Imperialism, Resistance, and Reform in Late
     Nineteenth-Century Korea: Enlightenment and the Independence
     Club. (Korea Research Monograph No. 13.) Berkeley:
     Center for Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies,
     University of California, 1988.

Cho, Soon Sung. Korea in World Politics, 1940-1950.
     Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.

Ch'oe, Young-ho. The Civil Examinations and the Social
     Structure in Early Yi Dynasty Korea, 1392-1600. Seoul:
     Korean Research Center, 1987.

Clough, Ralph N. Embattled Korea: The Rivalry for
     International Support. Boulder, Colorado: Westview
     Press, 1987.

Cole, David C., and Princeton N. Lyman. Korean Development:
     The Interplay of Politics and Economics. Cambridge:
     Harvard University Press, 1971.

Cumings, Bruce. The Origins of the Korean War: The Roaring of
     the Cataract, 1947-1950, 2. Princeton: Princeton
     University Press, 1990.

Eckert, Carter J. Offspring of Empire: The Koch'ang Kims and
     the Colonial Origins of Korean Capitalism, 1876-1945.
     Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1991.

Fairbank, John K., Edwin O. Reischauer, and Albert M. Craig.
     East Asia: Tradition and Transformation. Boston:
     Houghton Mifflin, 1973.

Gleysteen, William H., Jr. "Korea: A Special Target of American
     Concern." Pages 85-99 in David D. Newsom (ed.), The
     Diplomacy of Human Rights. Lanham, Maryland: University
     Press of America, 1987.

Grajdanzev, Andrew J. Modern Korea. New York: Octagon
     Books, 1978.

Haboush, JaHyun Kim. A Heritage of Kings: One Man's Monarch
     in the Confucian World. New York: Columbia University
     Press, 1988.

Han, Sung-Joo. The Failure of Democracy in South Korea.
     Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974.

Han, Woo-keun. The History of Korea. (Trans., Lee
     Kyung-shik; Ed., Grafton K. Mintz.) Honolulu: East-West
     Center Press, 1971.

Henderson, Gregory. Korea: The Politics of the Vortex.
     Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968.

Henthorn, William E. A History of Korea. New York: Free
     Press, 1971.

Hinton, Harold C. Korea under New Leadership: The Fifth
     Republic. New York: Praeger, 1983.

Hong, Wontack, and Anne O. Krueger (eds.). Trade and
     Development in Korea: Proceedings of a Conference Held by
     the Korea Development Institute. Seoul: The Institute,

Jacobs, Norman. The Korean Road to Modernization and
     Development. Urbana: University of Illinois Press,

Kihl, Young Whan. Politics and Policies in Divided Korea:
     Regimes in Contest. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press,

Kim, Chong-won. Divided Korea: The Politics of Development:
     1945-1972. Cambridge: East Asia Research Center,
     Harvard University Press, 1975.

Kim, C.I. Eugene, and Han-Kyo Kim. Korea and the Politics of
     Imperialism, 1876-1910. Berkeley: University of
     California Press, 1967.

Kim, Han-Kyo (ed.), with the assistance of Hong Kyoo Park.
     Studies on Korea: A Scholar's Guide. Honolulu:
     Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii Press, 1980.

Kim, Se-Jin. The Politics of Military Revolution in
     Korea. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,

Koh, Byung Chul. The Foreign Policy Systems of North and
     South Korea. Berkeley: University of California Press,

Koo, Youngnok, and Sung-Joo Han. Foreign Policy of the
     Republic of Korea. New York: Columbia University Press,

Lee, Chae-Jin, and Hideo Sato. U.S. Policy Toward Japan and
     Korea: A Changing Influence Relationship. New York:
     Praeger, 1982.

Lee, Chong-Sik. Japan and Korea: The Political
     Dimension. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1985.

------. The Politics of Korean Nationalism. Berkeley:
     University of California Press, 1963.

Lee, Hahn-Been. Korea: Time, Change, and Administration.
     Honolulu: East-West Center Press, 1968.

Lee, Ki-baik. A New History of Korea. (Trans., Edward W.
     Wagner, with Edward J. Shultz.) Cambridge: Harvard
     University Press, 1984.

Lowe, Peter. The Origins of the Korean War. New York:
     Longman, 1986.

Mason, Edward S., et al. The Economic and Social
     Modernization of the Republic of Korea. (Studies in the
     Modernization of the Republic of Korea, 1945-1975, Harvard
     East Asian Monographs, No. 92.) Cambridge: Harvard
     University Press, 1980.

Matray, James Irving. The Reluctant Crusade: American Foreign
     Policy in Korea, 1941-1950. Honolulu: University of
     Hawaii Press, 1985.

McCune, George McAfee, with Arthur L. Grey, Jr. Korea
     Today. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1982.

McNamara, Dennis L. The Colonial Origins of Korean
     Enterprise, 1910-1945. New York: Cambridge University
     Press, 1990.

Nam, Joo-Hong. America's Commitment to South Korea: The First
     Decade of the Nixon Doctrine. New York: Cambridge
     University Press, 1986.

Newsom, David D. (ed.). The Diplomacy of Human Rights.
     Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America for the
     Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, 1986.

Oh, John Kie-chiang. Korea: Democracy on Trial. Ithaca:
     Cornell University Press, 1968.

Oliver, Robert T. Syngman Rhee and American Involvement in
     Korea, 1942-1960: A Personal Narrative. Seoul: Panmun
     Book, 1978.

Pak, Chi-Young. Political Opposition in Korea,
     1945-1960. Seoul: Seoul National University Press,

Palais, James B. Politics and Policy in Traditional
     Korea. (Harvard East Asian Series, No. 82.) Cambridge:
     Harvard University Press, 1975.

Rhee, Whee Yung, Bruce Ross-Larson, and Garry Pursell.
     Korea's Competitive Edge: Managing the Entry into World
     Markets. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,

Robinson, Michael Edson. Cultural Nationalism in Colonial
     Korea, 1920-1925. Seattle: University of Washington
     Press, 1988.


Scalapino, Robert A., and Chong-Sik Lee. Communism in
     Korea. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972.

Scalapino, Robert A., and Hongkoo Lee (eds.). Korea-U.S.
     Relations: The Politics of Trade and Security.
     Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of
     California, 1988.

Shaw, William. Legal Norms in a Confucian State. (Korea
     Research Monograph No. 5.) Berkeley: Center for Korean
     Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of
     California, 1981.

Sohn, Pow-Key, Kim Chol-choon, and Hong Yi-sup. The History
     of Korea. Seoul: Korean National Commission for UNESCO,

Steinberg, David I. The Republic of Korea: Economic
     Transformation and Social Change. Boulder, Colorado:
     Westview Press, 1989.

United States. Congress. 99th, 2d Session. House of
     Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee
     on Human Rights and International Organizations and
     Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs. Political
     Developments and Human Rights in the Republic of Korea.
     Washington: GPO, 1986.

Yang, Sung Chul. Korea and Two Regimes. Cambridge,
     Massachusetts: Schenkman, 1981.

    (Various issues of the following publications also were used
in the preparation of this chapter: Asian Survey, 1980-
90; Asian Wall Street Journal [Hong Kong], 1980-90;
Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], 1980-90; and
Journal of Northeast-Asian Studies, 1982-90.)

Chapter 2

Ajia Chuto Doko Nempo 1986 (Annual report on
     developments in Asia and the Middle East, 1986). Tokyo: Ajia
     Keizai Kenkyujo (Institute of Developing Economics), 1986.

"Authorities Move to Check Rising Drug Abuse," Korea
     Newsreview [Seoul], 18, No. 43, October 28, 1989, 9.

Beasley, W.G. Japanese Imperialism, 1894-1945. Oxford:
     Clarendon Press, 1987.

Brandt, Vincent S.R. A Korean Village: Between Farm and
     Sea. (Harvard East Asian Monographs, No. 84.)
     Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972.

------. "Social Trends, Environmental Factors, Political Culture,
     and National Integration in South Korea." (Paper presented
     at Hudson Institute Workshop "Future Prospects, for the
     Korean Peninsula in a World Context," June 12-15, 1982.)

------. "Sociocultural Aspects of Political Participation in
     Rural Korea." Journal of Korean Studies, 1, 1979,

------. "Some Ways of Looking at Village Values." Pages 84-97 in
     Andrew C. Nahm (ed.), Studies in the Developmental
     Aspects of Korea. Kalamazoo: Center for Korean Studies,
     Western Michigan University, 1969.

Ch'oe Yong-ho. "Commoners in Early Yi Dynasty Civil Examinations:
     An Aspect of Korean Social Structure, 1392-1600,"
     Journal of Asian Studies, 33, No. 4, August 1974,

Ch'oi Syn-duk. "Korea's Tong-il Movement," Transactions of
     the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Seoul],
     No. 43, 1967, 167-80.

Chang Dae-hung. "A Study of a Korean Cultural Minority: The
     Paekchong." Pages 55-88 in Andrew C. Nahm (ed.),
     Traditional Korea: Theory and Practice. Kalamazoo:
     Center for Korean Studies, Western Michigan University,

Chang Yunshik. "Colonization as Planned Change: The Korean Case,"
     Modern Asian Studies [London], April 1971, 5, No.
     2, 161-86.

Chee Ch'angboh. "Shamanism and Folk Beliefs of the Koreans."
     Pages 141-58 in Andrew C. Nahm (ed.), Traditional Korea:
     Theory and Practice. Kalamazoo: Center for Korean
     Studies, Western Michigan University, 1974.

Choi Jai-sok. "A Sociological Study of Sindonae,"
     Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic
     Society [Seoul], No. 43, 1967, 104-56.

Chong Dae-gyun. "Nihonron to Kankokuron no fukona rentai" (The
     Unfortunate Connection Between Theories of Japanese and
     Korean National Identity), Chuo koron (Central
     Review) [Tokyo], 104, No. 5, May 1989, 248-60.

Chung Young-Iob. "Kye: A Traditional Economic Institution in
     Korea." Pages 89-112 in Andrew C. Nahm (ed.),
     Traditional Korea: Theory and Practice. Kalamazoo:
     Center for Korean Studies, Western Michigan University,

Clark, Donald N. Christianity in Modern Korea. Lanham,
     Maryland: University Press of America, 1986.

Crane, Paul S. Korean Patterns. Seoul: Hollym, 1967.

Critchfield, Richard. The Changing Peasant, Pt. 4. The
     Confucians. (American Universities Field Staff,
     Fieldstaff Reports, Asia, No. 26.) Hanover, New Hampshire:
     AUFS, 1980.

Curzon, George Nathaniel. Problems of the Far East: Japan,
     Korea, China. New York: Longmans, Green, 1896.

Darlin, Damon. "Humble Span Gains Curious Cachet in South Korea,"
     Asian Wall Street Journal [Hong Kong], September
     21, 1989, 1, 8.

------. "Sony's Hollywood Move Poses Dilemma for Korea,"
     Asian Wall Street Journal [Hong Kong], December 6,
     1989, 1.

Dix, Griffin. Studies on Korea in Transition. Honolulu:
     Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii Press, 1979.

Dixon, John, and Hyung Shik Kim (eds.). Social Welfare in
     Asia. London: Croom Helm, 1985.

Dong, Wonmo. "Assimilation and Social Mobilization in Korea."
     Pages 146-82 in Andrew C. Nahm (ed.), Korea under
     Japanese Colonial Rule. Kalamazoo: Center for Korean
     Studies, Western Michigan University, 1973.

Douglas, James Dixon. The New International Dictionary of the
     Christian Church. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan,

Dredge, C. Paul. "Speech Levels and Social Structure in Korea:
     The Apparent and the Real in a Rural Village." Unpublished
     paper. N.d. 
Earhart, H. Byron. "The New Religions of Korea: A Preliminary
     Interpretation," Transactions of the Korea Branch of the
     Royal Asiatic Society [Seoul], No. 49, 1974, 7-25.

Fisher, James Earnest. Democracy and Mission Education in
     Korea. (Contributions to Education Series, No. 306.)
     New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1928.

Gale, Jason S. "The Influence of China upon Korea,"
     Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic
     Society [Seoul], I, 1900, 1-24.

Goldscheider, Calvin (ed.). Rural Migration in Developing
     Nations: Comparative Studies of Korea, Sri Lanka, and
     Mali. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1984.

Han Sang-Bok. Korean Fishermen: Ecological Adaptation in
     Three Communities. Seoul: Population and Development
     Studies Center, Seoul National University, 1977.

Harvey, Youngsook Kim. Six Korean Women: The Socialization of
     Shamans. (American Ethnological Society Monograph No.
     65.) St. Paul, Minnesota: West, 1979.

Hurst, G. Cameron. "`Uri Nara-ism': Cultural Nationalism in
     Contemporary Korea." (Universities Field Staff
     International, UFSI Reports, Asia, No. 33.) Indianapolis:

Hyde, Georgie D.M. South Korea: Education, Culture, and
     Economy. Basingstake, Hampshire, United Kingdom:
     Macmillan Press, 1988.

Ito Abito (ed.). Motto shiritai Kankoku (Know More about
     South Korea). Tokyo: Kobundo, 1985.

Jacobs, Norman. The Korean Road to Modernization and
     Development. Urbana: University of Illinois Press,

Janelli, Roger L., and Dawnhee Yim Janelli. "Lineage Organization
     and Social Differentiation in Korea," Man [London],
     13, No. 2, June 1978, 272-89.

The Japan Year Book, 1938-39. Tokyo: Kenkyusha Press for
     the Foreign Affairs Association of Japan, 1938.

Ji Moon Suh. "Changing Attitude Toward the National Heritage in
     Modern Korean Literature," Asia Quarterly [Seoul],
     Summer 1985, 10-16.

Jo, Toshio. "Hall Near Seoul Depicts Colonization," The Japan
     Times [Tokyo], November 23, 1989, 3.

Jones, Leroy P., and Il Sakong. Government, Business and
     Entrepreneurship in Economic Development: The Korean
     Case. (Studies in the Modernization of the Republic of
     Korea, 1945-1975; Harvard East Asian Monographs, No. 91.)
     Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1980.

Kalton, Michael C. (trans. and ed.). To Become a Sage: The
     'Ten Diagrams on Sage Learning' by Yi Toegye. New York:
     Columbia University Press, 1988.

Kendall, Laurel. The Life and Hard Times of a Korean Shaman:
     Of Tales and the Telling of Tales. Honolulu: University
     of Hawaii Press, 1988.

Kennedy, Gerald F. "The Korean Kye: Maintaining Human Scale in a
     Modernizing Form," Korean Studies, No. 1, 1977,

Kim Chin-wu. The Making of the Korean Language.
     Honolulu: Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii
     Press, 1974.

Kim Kyong-Dong. "Social Change and Societal Development in Korea
     since 1945--Modernization with Uneven Development,"
     Korea and World Affairs [Seoul], 9, No. 4, Winter
     1985, 756-88.

Kim Sin-bok. "Recent Development of Higher Education in Korea,"
     Korea Journal [Seoul], 23, No. 10, October 1983,

Kim Soo-Young. "National Medical Insurance System Comes of Age,"
     Korea Newsreview [Seoul], 18, No. 32, August 12,
     1989, 4.

------. "Spread of AIDS Harms Health Officials," Korea
     Newsreview [Seoul], 18, No. 41, October 14, 1989, 8.

Kim Young-Oak. "Fallacy of Identity: Barrier to Genuine
     Understanding," Japan Foundation Newsletter
     [Tokyo], 15, Nos. 5-6, May 1988, 10-15.

Kim Yung-chung. Women of Korea: A History from Ancient Times
     to 1945. Seoul: Ehwa Woman's University Press, 1976.

Kim, C.I. Eugene. "South Korea in 1986: Preparing for a Power
     Transition," Asian Survey, 27, No. 1, January 1987,

Kim, Eugene C. "Education in Korea under Japanese Colonial Rule."
     Pages 137-45 in Andrew C. Nahm (ed.), Korea under
     Japanese Colonial Rule. Kalamazoo: Center for Korean
     Studies, Western Michigan University, 1973.

Koh, B.C. "North Korea in 1987: Launching a New Seven-Year Plan,"
     Asian Survey, 28, No. 1, January 1988, 62-70.

Koh, Hesung Chun. "Characteristics of Korean Culture Through the
     Arts." (Paper presented at Korea Seminar, November 19,
     1982.) New York: Columbia University, 1982.

Koo, Hagen. "The Political Economy of Industrialization in South
     Korea and Taiwan," Korea and World Affairs [Seoul],
     10, No. 1, Spring 1986, 148-80.

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     Washington, 1990.

Korea Institute for Population and Health. Journal of
     Population and Health Studies [Seoul], 8, No. 2,
     December 1988, 11.

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     Korean Thought. Seoul: Si-sa-yong-o-sa, 1983.

Kuroda Katsuhiro. "Kankokuron ni motto `bunkashugi'" (More
     "Culturalism" in Theories of Korean Identity), Chuo
     koron (Central Review) [Tokyo], 104, No. 3, March 1989,

Lee Chae-Jin. "South Korea in 1984: Seeking Peace and
     Prosperity," Asian Survey, 25, No. 1, January 1985,

Lee Hyo-jae, in collaboration with Choi Syn-duck, et al. "Life in
     Urban Korea," Transactions of the Korea Branch of the
     Royal Asiatic Society [Seoul], No. 46, 1971, 7-90.

Lee Hyo-jae. "The Changing Family in Korea," Journal of
     Social Sciences and Humanities [Seoul], 29, December
     1968, 87-99.

Lee Kwang-kyu. Kinship System in Korea. (2 vols.)
     (HRAFLEX Series.) New Haven, Human Relations Area Files,

Lee, Byung-jong. "Korea Proposes 19.8% Budget Increase,"
     Asian Wall Street Journal [Hong Kong], September
     22, 1989, 3.

Lee, Ki-baik. A New History of Korea. (Trans. Edward W.
     Wagner, with Edward J. Shultz). Seoul: Ilchokak, 1984.

Lee, Peter H. (ed.). The Traditional Culture and Society of
     Korea: Art and Literature. (Papers of the International
     Conference on Traditional Korean Culture and Society.)
     Honolulu: Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii
     Press, 1975.

Linton, Stephen. Coverage of the United States in Korean
     Textbooks: An Analysis of Educational Policy, Tone, and
     Content. Washington: United States Information Agency,
     October 1988.

Manguno, Joseph P. "Korea Faces Prolonged Clash on Education,"
     Asian Wall Street Journal [Hong Kong], December 5,
     1989, 1, 8.

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     Tokugawa Japan. (Trans., Mikiso Hane.) Tokyo:
     University of Tokyo Press, 1974.

Mason, Edward S., et al. The Economic and Social
     Modernization of the Republic of Korea. (Studies in the
     Modernization of the Republic of Korea, 1945-1975, Harvard
     East Asian Monographs, No. 92.) Cambridge: Harvard
     University Press, 1980.

Mattielli, Sandra (ed.). Virtues in Conflict: Tradition and
     the Korean Woman Today. Seoul: Samhwa, 1977.

McBrian, Charles D. "Kinship, Communal and Class Models of Social
     Structure in Rising Sun Village." Pages 102-24 in David R.
     McCann, John Middleton, and Edward J. Shultz (eds.),
     Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1979.

McCune, Shannon. Korea's Heritage: A Regional and Social
     Geography. Rutland, Vermont: Tuttle, 1956.

McGinn, Noel F., et al. Education and Development in
     Korea. (Studies in the Modernization of the Republic of
     Korea, 1945-1975. Harvard East Asian Monographs, No. 90.)
     Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1980.

McGrane, George A. Korea's Tragic Hours: The Closing Years of
     the Yi Dynasty. Seoul: Taewon, 1973.

McNamara, Dennis. "The Keisho and the Korean Business Elite," 
     Journal of Asian Studies, 48, No. 2, May 1989,

Mills, Edwin S., and Song Byung-nak. Urbanization and Urban
     Problems. (Studies in the Modernization of the Republic
     of Korea, 1945-1975, Harvard East Asian Monographs, No. 88.)
     Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979.

Moore, Mick. "Mobilization and Disillusion in Rural Korea: The
     Saemaul Movement in Retrospect," Pacific Affairs
     [Vancouver], 57, No. 4, Winter 1984-85, 577-98.

Moos, Felix. "Leadership and Organization in the Olive Tree
     Movement," Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal
     Asiatic Society [Seoul] No. 43, 1967, 11-27.

Nahm, Andrew C. (ed.). Korea under Japanese Colonial
     Rule. Kalamazoo: Center for Korean Studies, Western
     Michigan University, 1973.

------. Studies in the Developmental Aspects of Korea.
     Kalamazoo: Center for Korean Studies, Western Michigan
     University, 1969.

------. Traditional Korea: Theory and Practice.
     Kalamazoo: Center for Korean Studies, Western Michigan
     University, 1974.

Newman, Anne. "Korean Immigrants in U.S. Struggle Hard for
     Success," Asian Wall Street Journal [Hong Kong],
     December 15, 1989, 1, 8.

Oh, In-whan, and George Won. "Journalism in Korea: A Short
     History of the Korean Press," Transactions of the Korea
     Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Seoul], No. 51,
     1976, 1-55.

Pak Chi-won. Yangban Chon (Tale of a Yangban: Upperclass
     Culture in Yi Dynasty Korea). (Trans., Giles Ryan.) Seoul:
     International Cultural Foundation, 1973.

Palais, James B. Politics and Policy in Traditional
     Korea. (Studies in the Modernization of the Republic of
     Korea, 1945-1975, Harvard East Asian Monographs, No. 82.)
     Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1975.

Park, Moon Kyu. "Interest Representation in South Korea: The
     Limits of Corporatist Control," Asian Survey, 27,
     No. 8, August 1987, 903-17.

"The Perils of Development," Economist [London], 312,
     No. 18, September 9, 1989, 34.

"The Price of Prosperity," Asiaweek [Hong Kong], 12, No.
     16, April 20, 1986, 46.

Republic of Korea. Ministry of Culture and Information. Korean
     Overseas Information Office. A Handbook of Korea.
     Seoul: 1978.

------. National Bureau of Statistics. Economic Planning Board.
     Korea Statistical Handbook, 1987. Seoul: 1987.

------. National Bureau of Statistics. Economic Planning Board.
     Korea Statistical Handbook, 1989. Seoul: 1989.

Schoenberger, Karl. "South Korea Seen as Major Source of `Ice'
     Narcotic," Los Angeles Times, October 14, 1989,

Shupe, Anson. "Sun Myung Moon's Empire Retreats to Asia,"
     Asian Wall Street Journal [Hong Kong], November 2,
     1989, 10.

Sohn Ho-min (ed.). The Korean Language: Its Structure and
     Social Projection. Honolulu: Center for Korean Studies,
     University of Hawaii, 1975.

"South Korean Films: Set to Make a Splash by 1988,"
     Economist [London], July 13, 1985, 91-99.

The Statesman's Year Book, 1988-1989. (Ed., John
     Paxton.) New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988.

Steinberg, David I. The Republic of Korea: Economic
     Transformation and Social Change. Boulder, Colorado:
     Westview Press, 1989.

------. "Sociopolitical Factors and Korea's Future Economic
     Policies," World Development [London], 16, No. 1,
     January 1988, 19-34.

Steinberg, David I., and David Kim. South Korea's Military:
     Political and Social Roles and Profiles of Korean
     Leaders. (Asia Society Media Briefing.) New York: Asia
     Society, August 1988.

Suh Kuk-sung et al. (eds.). The Identity of the Korean
     People. Seoul: Research Center for Peace and
     Unification of Korea, 1983.

United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the
     Pacific. Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific,
     1984. Bangkok: 1986.

United Nations. Department of International Economic and Social
     Affairs. Statistics Office. 1986 Demographic
     Yearbook, New York: 1988.

------. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. 
     Statistical Yearbook, 1988. Paris: 1988.

Yi Ki-moon. "Language and Writing Systems in Traditional Korea."
     Pages 15-32 in Peter H. Lee (ed.), The Traditional
     Culture and Society of Korea: Art and Literature.
     (Papers of the International Conference on Traditional
     Korean Culture and Society.) Honolulu: Center for Korean
     Studies, University of Hawaii, 1975.

    (Various issues of the following publications also were used
in the preparation of this chapter: Far Eastern Economic
Review [Hong Kong], 1984-89; Foreign Broadcast Information
Service, Daily Report: Asia and the Pacific; Korea
Journal [Seoul], 1973-87; Korea Herald [Seoul],
1988-89; Korean Studies, 1985-89; Social Science
Journal [Seoul], 1985-89; and Tonga ilbo [Seoul],

Chapter 3

Amsden, Alice H. Asia's Next Giant: South Korea and Late
     Industrialization. New York: Oxford University Press,

Armstrong, Rodney. "Fish and American-Korean Relations,"
     Korea's Economy, 2, No. 6, October 1986, 15-17.

Balassa, Bela A., and Marcus Noland. Japan in the World
     Economy. Washington: Institute for International
     Economics, 1988.

Bank of Korea. Annual Report: 1987. Seoul: 1987.

Clifford, Mark. "Junior Partners Promoted," Far Eastern
     Economic Review [Hong Kong], 139, No. 11, March 7,
     1988, 67.

Cole, David C., and Princeton N. Lyman. Korean Development:
     The Interplay of Politics and Economics. Cambridge:
     Harvard University Press, 1971.

Cumings, Bruce. "The Legacy of Japanese Colonialism in Korea."
     Pages 478-96 in Ramon H. Myers and Mark R. Peattie (eds.),
     The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895-1945. Princeton:
     Princeton University Press, 1984.

------. The Two Koreas. (Headline Series, No. 269.) New
     York: Foreign Policy Association, 1984.

Eckert, Carter J. Offspring of Empire: The Koch'ang Kims and
     the Colonial Origins of Korean Capitalism, 1876-1945.
     Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1991.

The Europa World Year Book, 1989. London: Europa, 1989.

The Europa World Year Book, 1990. London: Europa, 1990. 

Farrukh, Iqbal. "Financing Korean Development." Pages 147-56 in
     Han Sung-joo and Robert J. Myers (eds.), Korea: The Year
     2000. (Carnegie Council on Ethics and International
     Affairs. Ethics and Foreign Policy Series, No. 5.) Lanham,
     Maryland: University Press of America, 1987.

Han, Sung-Joo, and Robert J. Myers (eds.). Korea: The Year
     2000. (Carnegie Council on Ethics and International
     Affairs. Ethics and Foreign Policy Series, No. 5.) Lanham,
     Maryland: University Press of America, 1987.

Ho, Samuel Pao-san. "Colonialism and Development: Korea, Taiwan,
     and Kwantung." Pages 347-98 in Ramon H. Myers and Mark R.
     Peattie (eds.), The Japanese Colonial Empire,
     1895-1945. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984.

Hurst, G. Cameron, III (ed.). Korea 1988: A Nation at the
     Crossroads. (Conference and Colloquium Series, No. 3.)
     Lawrence: Center for East Asian Studies, University of
     Kansas, 1988.

Jane's World Railways, 1989-90. (Ed., Geoffrey Freeman
     Allen.) Coulsdon, Surrey, United Kingdom: Jane's Information
     Group, 1989.

KEPCO Annual Review, 1988. Seoul: KEPCO, 1988.

Kim, Bun Woong, David S. Bell, Jr., and Chong Bun Lee (eds.).
     Administrative Dynamics and Development: The Korean
     Experience. Seoul: Kyobo, 1985.

Kim, Dae Jung. Mass-Participatory Economy: A Democratic
     Alternative for Korea. Lanham, Maryland: University
     Press of America, 1985.

Kim, Ilpyong J., and Young Whan Kihl (eds.). Political Change
     in South Korea. New York: Paragon House, 1988.

Kim Kyong-Dong. Man and Society in Korea's Economic Growth:
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Chapter 4

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Lumpur], 1985-89; Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong
Kong], 1987-88; Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily
Report: East Asia, 1989-90; Korea Herald [Seoul],
1985-90; Korea Times [Seoul], 1985-90.)