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------. Department of Labor. Foreign Labor Trends: Venezuela,
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     Económicos.) Caracas: Government of Venezuela, 1986.

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------. Banco Central de Venezuela. Boletín Mensual
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------. Ministerio de Energía y Minas. Energy in Venezuela
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------. Oficina Central de Estadística e Informática. Anuario
     Estadístico de Venezuela 1988. Caracas: 1989.

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     Venezuela [Caracas], 1, No. 2, April-June 1986, 117-64.

Wadsted, Otto G. "Industrialization Programs, Factor Proportion,
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     Política de Desarrollo Regional en Venezuela," Pensamiento
     Iberoamericano [Madrid], No. 10, July-December 1986, 225-

    (Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Christian Science
Monitor; Economist Intelligence Unit, Country Report:
Venezuela, Suriname, Netherlands Antilles [London];
Financial Times [London]; Latin Finance;
Miami Herald; New York Times; Nuevo
Heraldo; Número [Caracas]; Times of the
Americas; Universal [Caracas]; Wall Street
Journal; and Washington Post.)

Chapter 4

Alexander, Robert J. The Communist Party of Venezuela.
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     Little, Brown, 1973.

------. Venezuela: Politics in a Petroleum Republic. New
     York: Praeger, 1984.

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     Press, 1972.

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     Geographic, 150, No. 2, August 1976, 210-23.

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     Industry from Technocratic Success to Political Failure.
     Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington, 1983.

Díaz Legórburu, Raúl. Venezuela: The Basic Features. 
     Washington: Embassy of Venezuela, n.d.

Ellner, Steven. "Educational Policy." Pages 296-328 in John D.
     Martz and David J. Myers (eds.), Venezuela: The Democratic
     Experience. (Rev. ed.) New York: Praeger, 1986.

------. Venezuela's Movimiento al Socialismo: From Guerrilla
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     Press, 1988.

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Grove, Noel. "Venezuela's Crisis of Wealth," National
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     Experience. (Rev. ed.) New York: Praeger, 1986.

------. Christian Democracy in Venezuela. Chapel Hill:
     University of North Carolina Press, 1980.

Karst, Kenneth L., Murray L. Schwartz, and Audrey J. Schwartz.
     The Evolution of Law in the Barrios of Caracas. Los
     Angeles: Latin American Center, University of California,

Levine, Daniel H. Religion and Politics in Latin America: The
     Catholic Church in Venezuela and Colombia. Princeton:
     Princeton University Press, 1981.

Lieuwen, Edwin. Petroleum in Venezuela: A History.
     Berkeley: University of California Press, 1954. Reprint. New
     York: Russell and Russell, 1967.

Lombardi, John V. Venezuela: The Search for Order, the Dream of
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McDonald, Ronald H., and J. Mark Ruhl (eds.). Party Politics
     and Elections in Latin America. Boulder, Colorado:
     Westview Press, 1989.

McMillan, Douglass F. "Venezuelan University Students as a Force in
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     University of New Mexico, 1970.

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     Centauro, 1983.

Margolies, Luisa (ed.). The Venezuelan Peasant in Country and
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Martz, John D. Acción Democrática: Evolution of a Modern
     Political Party in Venezuela. Princeton: Princeton
     University Press, 1966.

------. "Venezuela's Generation of '28': The Genesis of Political
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     Affairs, 6, No. 1, January 1964, 17-33.

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     and Public Opinion: The Venezuelan Campaign of 1973.
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     Latin America: The Case of Metropolitan Caracas,"
     Comparative Politics, 53, 1973, 523-49.

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     Democratic Experience. (Rev. ed.) New York: Praeger,

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     System Evolution: The Case of Venezuela," Comparative
     Politics, 8, 1975, 119-51.

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     Implications for United States National Security. (Rand
     Publications Series.) Santa Monica: Rand, 1985.

O'Connor, Robert E. "The Media and the Campaign." Pages 171-90 in
     Howard R. Penniman (ed.), Venezuela at the Polls: The
     National Elections of 1978. Washington: American
     Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1980.

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     Elections of 1978. Washington: American Enterprise
     Institute for Public Policy Research, 1980.

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     Peasant. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971.

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     Studies and World Affairs, 16, February 1974, 96-118.

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Chapter 5

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     Militaries: Implications of the Venezuelan Case." (Ph.D.
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     Series, No. AAC8520819.) Denver: University of Denver, June

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     Dispute: Britain's Colonial Legacy in Latin America.
     Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1984.

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     Press, 1972.

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     vs. Reality." Pages 41-59 in Georges Fauriol (ed.),
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     and David J. Myers (eds.), Venezuela: The Democratic
     Experience. (Rev. ed.) New York: Praeger, 1986.

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     Regional Powers in the Caribbean Basin." Pages 245-75 in
     Donald L. Herman (ed.), Democracy in Latin America:
     Colombia and Venezuela. New York: Praeger, 1988.

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     Venezuela. New York: Praeger, 1988.

Looney, Robert E. The Political Economy of Latin American
     Defense Expenditures: Case Studies of Venezuela and
     Argentina. Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington, 1986.

Martz, John D. "National Security and Politics: The Colombian-
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     World Affairs, 30, No. 4, Winter 1988-89, 117-38.

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     Miguel Angel Garcia e hijo, 1984.

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Millan, Victor, and Michael A. Morris. Conflicts in Latin
     America: Democratic Alternatives in the 1990s. (Conflict
     Studies Series, No. 230.) London: Research Institute for the
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Müller Rojas, Albert. "Equipamiento Militar, Política de Defensa y
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     Internacional [Caracas], No. 2, April-June 1986, 22-33.

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     Interests: Implications for United States National
     Security. Santa Monica: Rand, January 1985.

Premo, Daniel L. "Coping with Insurgency: The Politics of
     Pacification in Colombia and Venezuela." Pages 219-44 in
     Donald L. Herman (ed.), Democracy in Latin America:
     Colombia and Venezuela. New York: Praeger, 1988.

Riva, Joseph P., Jr. Venezuelan Petroleum: A Source of
     Increasing U.S. Imports? (Congressional Research Service
     Report for Congress Series, No. 90-70 SPR.) Washington:
     Science Policy Research Division, Congressional Research
     Service, Library of Congress, February 2, 1990.

Rouquié, Alain. The Military and the State in Latin
     America. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987.

Schaposnik, Eduardo C. La Democratización de las Fuerzas
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------. Ministerio de la Defensa. Memoria y Cuenta, 1987.
     Caracas: 1988.

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     Caracas: 1989.

    (Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Business Latin America;
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists; Christian Science
Monitor; Defence [London]; Defense and Foreign
Affairs Weekly; Europa World Year Book [London];
Facts on File; Foreign Broadcast Information Service,
Daily Report: Latin America; Fuerzas Armadas de
Venezuela [Caracas]; Insight; International
Narcotics Control Strategy Report; Jane's Defence
Weekly [London]; Keesing's Contemporary Archives
[London]; Keesing's Record of World Events [London];
Latin American Weekly Report [London]; Latin American
Monitor; Política Internacional [Caracas];
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Tecnología Militar [Madrid]; Times of the
Americas; El Universal [Caracas]; Washington
Post; and World Military Expenditures and Arms