Bibliography -- Vietnam

Chapter 1

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Burchett, Wilfred. Catapult to Freedom. London: Quartet Books, 1978.

Buttinger, Joseph. Vietnam: A Dragon Embattled. 2 vols. New York:
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Cady, John Frank. The Roots of French Imperialism in Eastern Asia.
      Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1954.

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      Colorado: Westview Press, 1981.

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Fall, Bernard B. The Two Viet-Nams: A Political and Military Analysis.
      New York: Praeger, 1967.

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      66. New York: Praeger, 1967.

Gruening, Ernest, and Herbert Wilton Beaser. Vietnam Folly.
      Washington: National Press, 1968.

Gurtov, Melvin. The First Vietnam Crisis. New York: Columbia
      University Press, 1967.

Halberstam, David. The Making of a Quagmire. New York: Random
      House, 1964.

Hall, David George Edward. A History of South-East Asia. New York:
      St. Martin's Press, 1968.

Hammer, Ellen J. The Struggle for Indochina, 1940-1955. Stanford,
      California: Stanford University Press, 1965.

Hejzlar, J. The Art of Vietnam. London: Hamlyn Publishing, 1973.

Hickey, Gerald Cannon. Free in the Forest: Ethnohistory of the Vietnamese
      Central Highlands, 1954-1976. New Haven: Yale University Press,

Hodgkin, Thomas Lionel. Vietnam: The Revolutionary Path. New York:
      St. Martin's Press, 1981.

Huynh Kim Khanh. Vietnamese Communism, 1925-1945. Ithaca, New
      York: Cornell University Press, 1982.

Kahin, George McTurnan. Intervention. New York: Knopf, 1986.

Karnow, Stanley. Vietnam: A History. New York: Viking Press, 1983.

Knoebl, Kuno. Victor Charlie: The Face of War in Viet-Nam. New York:
      Praeger, 1967.

Komer, Robert W. Bureaucracy at War. Boulder, Colorado: Westview
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Lacouture, Jean. Ho Chi Minh: A Political Biography. New York: Random
      House, 1968

Lawson, Eugene K. The Sino-Vietnamese Conflict. New York: Praeger,

McAleavy, Henry. Black Flags in Vietnam. London: George Allen and
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McAlister, John T. Viet-Nam: The Origins of Revolution. New York:
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      University of California Press, 1971.

Neher, Clark D. "The Bronze Drum Tradition," Asian Studies Professional
      Review, 14, Nos. 1 and 2, 1974-75, 186.

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      Liberation Front of South Vietnam. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1966.

------. War, Peace, and the Viet Cong. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1969.

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Shaplen, Robert. The Lost Revolution. New York: Harper and Row, 1955.

Sheehan, Neil. A Bright Shining Lie. New York: Random House, 1988.

Smith, Ralph B. An International History of the Vietnam War. 2 vols.
      New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985.

------. Viet-Nam and the West. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University 
      Press, 1968.

Spector, Ronald H. Advice and Support: The Early Years, 1941-1960.
      Washington: United States Army Center of Military History, 1983.

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      California Press, 1983.

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Turley, William S. The Second Indochina War: A Short Political and Military
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      Vietnam. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1976.

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      University Press, 1971.

Chapter 2

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Anh Phong. "Catholicism in Vietnam and Catholic Reintegration into the National
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      [Hanoi], No. 5, 1985, 26-27.

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      Subsidized Socialism," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong],
      132, No. 15, April 10, 1986, 24-28.

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      Vietnam Courier [Hanoi], No. 58, March 1977, 9-11.

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      83, No. 497, December 1984, 409-12.

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      519, April 1987, 148-51.

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      are from the FBIS Daily Report series:

Asia and Pacific

"AFP Cites `Observers' on Economic Difficulties." Agence France Presse (AFP)
      [Hong Kong], broadcast in English 0154 GMT, September 15, 1986. (FBIS-
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      1986, K1-K2.

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      24, 1986. (FBIS-APA-87-005.) January 8, 1987, K1-K21.

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      Kappan, 58, June 1977, 730-34.

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      Issues, No. 57, May 1985, 1-7.

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      Problems," Vietnam Courier [Hanoi], No. 6, 1985, 7-15.

"General Education in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Interview with
      Education Minister Nguyen Thi Binh," Vietnam Courier [Hanoi],
      No. 10, 1984, 16-18.

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      Courier [Hanoi], 16, No. 9, 1980, 16-17.

Hawthorne, Lesleyanne. Refugee: The Vietnamese Experience. Melbourne:
      Oxford University Press, 1982.

Hickey, Gerald Cannon. Free in the Forest: Ethnohistory of the Vietnamese
      Central Highlands, 1954-1976. New Haven: Yale University Press,

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      Highlands to 1954. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982.

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"Ho Chi Minh City Ten Years after Liberation," Vietnam Courier [Hanoi],
      No. 6, 1985, 18-19.

Hoang Bao Chau. "Vietnamese Traditional Medicine," Vietnam [Hanoi],
      No. 309, September 1984, 19.

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      7, 1981, 20-22.

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      Vietnam. New York: Praeger, 1964.

Houtart, Francois, and Genevieve Lemercinier. Hai Van: Life in a Vietnamese
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Hung, G. Nguyen Tien. Economic Development of Socialist Vietnam,
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      Development.) New York: Praeger, 1977.

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"An Important Question for the Advancement of Women in Vietnam," Vietnam
      Courier [Hanoi], No. 4, 1983, 18-19.

Jackson, Graeme. "An Assessment of Church Life in Vietnam," Religion in
      Communist Lands, 10, Spring 1982, 54-68.

Jenkins, David. "A Country Adrift," Far Eastern Economic Review
      [Hong Kong], 126, No. 45, November 8, 1984, 25-32.

Joint Publications Research Service. Southeast Asia Report: Vietnam Fact
Book. (JPRS-SEA-85-121.) Washington, August 1985.

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      and World Report, 100, No. 25, June 30, 1986, 30-31.

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      Courier [Hanoi], No. 12, 1980, 3-6.

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      Asia Chronicle, No. 76, December 1980, 22-25.

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      [Hanoi], No. 5, 1981, 3-5.

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      Wilson, 1986.

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      Courier [Hanoi], No. 59, April 1977, 25-29.

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      Students," Vietnam Courier [Hanoi], No. 2, 1982, 22-24.

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      10, 1981, 19-23.

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      Revolution. New York: Harper and Row, 1970.

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      Survey, 23, No. 1, January 1983, 62-72.

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Mole, Robert L. The Montagnards of South Vietnam: A Study of Nine
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      Times, May 21, 1983, 63.

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      Vietnam Courier [Hanoi], No. 10, 1980, 13-15.

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      November 1977, 14-16.

------. Tradition and Revolutions in Vietnam. Berkeley, California:
      Indochina Resource Center, 1974.

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      August 1976, 8-9, 28-29.

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      December 1980, 19-21.

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Chapter 3

Bekaert, Jacques. "Eye on Indochina: Scant Progress Achieved in Ho Chi Minh
      City," Bangkok Post, October 17, 1986, 6.

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      Bangkok Post, November 28, 1986, 4.

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      [Moscow], March 1987, 1-13.

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      Ruination," The Economist, No. 301, 7470, November 1, 1986, 15.

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      Subsidized Socialism," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong],
      132, No. 15, April 10, 1986, 24-28.

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      Heritage Foundation, 160, May 6, 1987.

Dejevsky, Mary. "Vietnam Radical Reform Encourages Profits in Return of Free
      Enterprise," Times [London], April 18, 1987, 6.

Duiker, William J. "Vietnam in 1985: Searching for Solutions," Asian
      Survey, 26, No. 1, January, 1986, 102-11.

------. "Vietnam Moves Toward Pragmatism," Current History, 86, No.
      519, April 1987, 148-51.

Esterline, John H. "Vietnam in 1986: An Uncertain Tiger," Asian
      Survey, 27, No. 1, January 1987, 92-103.

"First in, First Served in Vietnam," Asiaweek [Hong Kong], 12, No. 48,
      November 30, 1986, 54-55.

Foreign Broadcast Information Service--FBIS (Washington). The following articles
      are from the FBIS Daily Report series:

Asia and Pacific

Dawson, Alan. "Eye on Indochina: Vietnam's Money Troubles Pile Up,"
      Bangkok Post [Bangkok], August 4, 1982. (FBIS-APA-82-150.)
      August 4, 1982, J1-J2.

"Further Reportage on National Assembly Session: Vo Van Kiet Report,
      Installment 1," Hanoi Domestic Service, 1100 GMT, December 26, 1986.
      (FBIS-APA-250.) December 30, 1986, K5-K12.

East Asia

Bertinetto, Gabriel. "Interview with Communist Party of Vietnam General
      Secretary Nguyen Van Linh," L'Unita [Milan], June 21, 1987, 13.
      (FBIS-EAS-87-122.) June 25, 1987, N2-N8.

Campion, Gilles. "AFP Gives Details of New Investment Code," Agence France
      Presse (AFP) [Hong Kong] broadcast in English 0515 GMT, June 25, 1987.
      (FBIS-EAS-87-123.) June 26, 1987, N5-N6.

"Details of 1986-90 Export Development Plan," Vietnam News Agency (VNA)
      [Hanoi] broadcast in English 1456 GMT, November 10, 1987. (FBIS-EAS-87-
      219.) November 13, 1987, 48-49.

"Foreign Currency Transactions," Hanoi International Service [Hanoi], broadcast
      in English, 1000 GMT, June 29, 1987. (FBIS-EAS-87-127.) July 2, 1987,

"Fruit, Vegetable Exports to USSR Increase," Hanoi Domestic Service [Hanoi],
      broadcast in Vietnamese 1000 GMT, September 10, 1987. (FBIS-EAS-87-
      180.) September 17, 1987, 40.

"Further on Eighth National Assembly Session," Hanoi Domestic Service [Hanoi],
      broadcast in Vietnamese 1430 GMT, June 22, 1987. (FBIS-EAS-87-120.)
      June 23, 1987, N2-N12.

Vo Chi Cong, "Some Basic Issues Concerning the Renovation of the Economic
      Management Mechanism in Our Country, Nhan Dan [Hanoi],
      September 18, 1987. (FBIS-EAS-87-190.) October 1, 1987, 31-42.

Foreign Broadcast Information Service--FBIS. Analysis Report-Vietnam: Party
      Plenum Boosts Economic Reform Agenda. (FBIS-87-10011.) Washington,
      May 22, 1987.

"Hanoi's Saigon Solution," Asiaweek [Hong Kong], 14, No. 6, February 5,
      1988, 42-43.

International Monetary Fund. Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and
      Exchange Restrictions, 1987. Washington: 1987.

------. Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook, 1981. Washington:

Jenkins, David. "A Country Adrift," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong
      Kong], 126, No. 45, November 8, 1984, 25-27.

Joint Publications Research Service--JPRS (Washington). The following articles
are from the JPRS series:

Southeast Asia Report

"Agricultural Production Statistics Reported as of 5 February," Hanoi Domestic
      Service [Hanoi], broadcast in Vietnamese 1100 GMT, February 10, 1987.
      (JPRS-SEA-87-034.) March 11, 1987, 114-16.

Dang Van Tiep. "About Export Policy," Nhan Dan [Hanoi], January 13,
      1987. (JPRS-SEA-87-048.) April 6, 1986, 86-87.

"The Industrial Sectors in Recent Years: Production Capabilities Have Increased:
      Results, Productivity, and Product Quality Have Declined," Nhan
      Dan [Hanoi], December 8, 1986. (JPRS-SEA-87-037.) March 16, 1987,

So Lieu Thong Ke, 1930-1984 (Vietnam Statistical Data, 1930-1984)
      [Hanoi], 1985. (JPRS-SEA-86-108.) June 25, 1986.

Tong Cuc Thong Ke. Thong Ke (Statistics) [Hanoi], No. 3, March 1985,
      31-33. (JPRS-SEA-85-100.) June 1985, 96-97.

Kimura, Tetsusaburo. Vietnam: International Relations and Economic
      Development. Tokyo: Tokyo Institute of Developing Economics, 1987.

------. "Vietnam--Ten Years of Economic Struggle," Asian Survey,
      26, No. 10, October 1986, 1039-55.

Kurian, George Thomas. Encyclopedia of the Third World. New York:
      Facts on File, 1986, 1987.

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 File No. 4, Section 7: 

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 Part 25--"Armed Forces Chronology." 

 Part 26--"Party-Military Relationship."

 Part 27--"Para-Military and Militia."

 Part 28--"Armed Forces and the Economy."

 Part 29--"Armed Forces Recruitment and Training."

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 File No. 9, Section 7:

 Part 50--"Judicial and Legal Affairs."

 Part 51--"Law Enforcement."

 Part 52--"Internal Security."

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    (Various issues of the following Vietnamese language publications published
in Hanoi, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, were also used in the preparation of
this chapter: Giao Duc Ly Luan, Hoc Tap, Lao
Dong, Luat Hoc, Nhan Dan, Quan Doi Nhan
Dan, Tap Chi Cong San, and Tap Chi Quan Doi Nhan