
Those of us involved in this Tutorial project welcome any comments or content corrections you may wish to pass on to us. We are constantly revising the materials and continually try to find errors and mis-statements but your help as a reader is much appreciated. You can send your observations directly to:

As most users of the Internet readily know, URLs are often changed, while some are even dropped and removed. Be advised that we have striven to make these as current as possible but as time progresses some will disappear or otherwise be altered without our knowledge. Bring any problems of this kind to our attention via e-mail.

In mid-January, 1998, the first versions of the Tutorial were placed on CD-ROM format and about 160 beta versions were distributed to the user community during an ASPRS Conference in late 1997 to solicit critiques and suggestions for improvement. In September, 1998, the Earth Science Enterprise Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center issued the result of the NASA Education Office review of the Remote Sensing Tutorial. It was given the rating of "Recommended - Broad Distribution". The upshot of this is that distribution of the Tutorial will be extended to that organization. As of, February 1, 1999, the most current version of the CD will be avilable through NASA's Central Operation of Resources for Educators (CORE) - click here for instructions on how to get the CD from this office.

If you are working exclusively from the CD-ROM version, then we suggest you periodically check the Internet version for possible updates to Sections and pages that will be added from time to time as new material develops (especially after data from a new mission are released). While, of course, this information cannot be transferred to the CD-ROM (unwritable), you can at least be aware through the Net of these changes. The Internet URL is on the back of the CD-ROM plastic holder or you can access it at:

The big news as of December 1, 1998 is that an Appendix (B) has been added that will allow users to learn and use an interactive image processing program, called PIT. After working through this appendix, you will have the opportunity to actually process several types of space imagery using this computer- based software, which will be included on the CD-ROM as well as through FTP download across the internet. Its principal feature is a group of programs that allow one to classify the scene features into a "map" format.

Starting in January, 1999, work on the Tutorial became a more collaborative effort as the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, approached Code 935 with several new sections for the Tutorial. Through a combined effort (Code 935 NASA/GSFC, the USAF Academy, Global Science and Technology Inc., and the OAO Corporation) The Remote Sensing Tutorial has undergone some significant changes that were designed to improve the usefulness of this website.



Primary Author: Nicholas M. Short, Sr. email:

Collaborators: Code 935 NASA GSFC, GST, USAF Academy
Contributor Information
Last Updated: September '99

Webmaster: Bill Dickinson Jr.
Site Curator: Nannette Fekete

Please direct any comments to

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